What Is Ovarian Cancer?
Cancer is a disease in which some of the body’s cells begin to divide without stopping, and spread into surrounding tissue. Ovarian cancers are a group of diseases that affect a woman’s ovaries.The ovaries are a pair of organs in the female reproductive system.
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Ovarian cancers are now known to be several distinct diseases, which are named after the type of cell they come from: epithelial, germ cell, and stromal.These are the three main cell types that make up the ovary. Each cell type can develop into a different type of tumor, and each type differs in how it spreads, how it’s treated and its prognosis.
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Staging is the process of finding out how much cancer is in a person’s body and where it’s located. It’s how the doctor determines the stage of a person’s cancer. For most types of cancer, doctors use staging information to help plan treatment and to predict a person’s outlook (prognosis).
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Symptoms and Detection
Ovarian cancer does have symptoms, but they are usually subtle and easily mistaken for other, more common problems. In some cases, early stage ovarian cancers produce symptoms, but in many women symptoms don’t show up until the cancer has advanced.
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Navigating and understanding treatment options are critical for an ovarian cancer patient’s survival. All treatment decisions should be made by a patient in consultation with her medical professional.The standard treatment for ovarian cancer consists of debulking surgery followed by six rounds of chemotherapy.
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A cancer recurrence happens because some cancer cells were left behind and eventually grow and become apparent. The cancer may come back to the same place as the original tumor or to another place in the body. Around 70 percent of patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer will have a recurrence.
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