THE 12th Indian Breast Cancer Survivors Conference, PUNE
17th & 18th October, 2024
The 12th Indian Breast Cancer Survivors Conference was held in Pune on 17th and 18th October 2024, with 200 participants about 150 patients, 25 caregivers and the rest were nurses, social workers and faculty.
The conference addressed the concerns of breast cancer patients and survivors with special emphasis on important issues like side effects of treatment, patient advocacy,mental health and lifestyles changes.
Mariya Contractor, a survivor who attended said “ The conference was a great opportunity for us to learn more about health lifestyle and mental health awareness. Dr. Shona Nag spoke about survivorship care from the Indian perspective. The panel discussion on side-effects, long and short term was very well planned and informative. The highlight of the program was the panel discussion with survivors where we heard of the first hand experience of the survivors. The dance and drama therapy was energetic and cathartic.”

2023 : 11th Indian Breast Cancer Survivors Conference
The 11th edition of Indian Breast Cancer Survivors Conference was inaugurated on 1st October at International Center,Donapaula Panaji, the two day conference currently underway is attended by eminent oncologists, doctors and cancer survivors from Mumbai, Pune and Goa.
Chief guest for the event Mrs Sulakshana Sawant, in her inaugural speech expressed gratitude towards the determination shown by the participants to win over disease like cancer, she further explained that while we all are living a fast paced life it is utmost important to have a work-life balance.
Mrs Deveika Bojwani, Vice President of Women’s Cancer Initiative, Tata Memorial Hospital congratulated the participants for showing resilience and setting an example in the society which will motivate fellow cancer patients.
Guest of Honour for the function, Dr Victoria Chowgule, in her emotional address to the members explained her tryst with cancer, Dr Chowgule opined that the first hand account dealing with the disease has only helped in strengthening the willpower and endurance.
Dr Mandar Nadkarni a noted Surgical oncologist from Mumbai in his keynote address explained the various intricacies of cancer treatment and management.
Dr Shekhar Salkar, Oncologist from Goa and instrumental in organising the conference, emphasised the importance of early detection of cancer, he added that approximately 1500 cases of various cancers are detected each year in Goa, and early detection can save lives, Dr Salkar also expressed gratitude towards all members for attending the conference in large numbers.
The two day conference is being attended by 35 participants from Mumbai, 45 members from Pune and 25 members from Goa, the scientific sessions shall be covering various topics related to cancer management, treatment and rehabilitation.
The event is organised by Nag foundation, GOKARMA Oncology Association and Women Cancer Initiative, Tata Memorial Hospital .

2022 : 10th Indian Breast Cancer Survivor Conference

2021 : 9th Indian Breast Cancer Survivor Conference
The 9th Breast Cancer Survivors Conference was held on Saturday, 9th October 2021 at Central Park, Pune.
The conference is a platform for survivors and health care professionals to come together to share, learn and advocate for an optimal and healthy survivorship. The aim of the conference is to energize, educate and enable survivors in women specific health issues.
The programs were charted out mindfully, based on patient needs, who were requested to share their expertise and experience on the subject.

2019 : 8th Indian Breast Cancer Survivor Conference

2018 : 7th Indian Breast Cancer Survivors Conference
Friday the 7th September saw the The 7th edition of The Indian Breast Cancer Survivors conference which was held at the International Centre Donna Paula, Goa.
A keynote address from the eminent breast surgeon Dr. Mandar Nadkarni trained at The Tata Memorial Hospital.
The formal inauguration was conducted by Mrs Pallavi Dempo and Wendell Rodricks. Other dignitaries present on the stage were Mrs Deveika Bhojwani- Vice President, Womens Cancer Initiative, Tata Hospital Mumbai, Dr Shekhar Salkar- Head Dept of Oncology- Manipal hospital Goa- President Goa Medical Council - President GOKARNA Oncology Association, Dr Mandar Nadkarni and Dr Shona Nag. Mrs Dempo praised the efforts of the team and saluted the survivors for their courage in fighting and overcoming this dreaded disease. Wendell Rodericks said it was amazing how so many women had come together for a cause such as this and together they would definitely connect, celebrate and conquer.

2017 : 6th Indian Breast Cancer Survivors Conference
2016 : 5th Indian Breast Cancer Survivors Conference
The 5th Survivors Conference was held in Pune on 17th & 18th Oct, 2016. This was attended by over 200 Breast Cancer Survivors. The keynote address was given by Ms Rati Forbes. Aparts from the various Panel discussions, a special exhibition of photographs by Ahtushi Deshpande, well known photographer & Breast Cancer Survivor, were put on display. The photographs captured Ahtushi’s journey through her Breast Cancer Treatment.

2015 : 4th Indian Breast Cancer Survivors Conference
The 4th Survivor Conference was held in Mumbai on 19th & 20th October, 2015. The Conference was attended by over 200 Breast Cancer Survivors from all over the Country. Well known personalities Lisa Ray and Malaika Arora were Guests of Honour.

The conference aims to offer women practical information to help them cope with the concerns that can arise during and after breast cancer treatment and empower them to spread, correct information regarding breast cancer, among the public in general.
Educational sessions included, Panel discussion with leading oncologists with recent updates on the surgical, medical & radiation therapy, and emphasized important issues like side effect of treatment, patient advocacy programme as well as spirituality and cancer. Workshops were also conducted by expert, to address important concerns like integrating the survivors back into society and workplace, sexuality and fertility, lifestyle, fitness and diet after breast cancer treatment. Followed by an evening banquet and entertainment programme.

2014 : 3rd Indian Breast Cancer Survivors Conference
The third annual Indian Breast Cancer Survivors Conference, held in 2014 was deemed to be a great success with over 250 survivors and healthcare professionals in attendance. Nag Foundation, Pune and Women Cancer Initiative, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai were the driving force behind the conference. An additional event as a part of the Survivors Conference was a 1.5 km "Walk for Cancer", in association with Globeathon International, which was a cancer awareness walk with over 1000 participants.

2013 : 2nd Indian Breast Cancer Survivors Conference
The 2nd Indian Breast Cancer Survivors Conference was organized in Nashik in 2013 in partnership with Breast Friend, Pune . Over 200 breast cancer survivors from Mumbai, Pune, Nasik and other parts of India attended.
Some of the sessions included:
- Surgical Aspects with a focus on reconstruction and prosthesis for Breast Cancer Survivors.
- Medical and Radiation aspects- Newer targeted therapies and shorter radiation schedules .
- Medical problems following treatment and survivorship.
The Panel Discussions focused on :
- Common issues faced by survivors
- Familial breast cancer and Genetic Testing – implications and practical issues
- Living with Breast Cancer as a chronic disease
- Responsibilities of society towards cancer patients
- Rights of Cancer patients
2012: 1st Indian Breast Cancer Survivors Conference