Soul Stirrings 2018
The NGO Womens Cancer Initiative – Tata Memorial Hospital organized “Annual Fundraising Concert” on Tue, 16th Oct, 2018 at Royal Opera House, Mumbai at 7.30p.m. Performing for the first time in Mumbai, renowned Sufi Kathak Danseuse Manjari Chaturvedi will present “The Courtesan Project” Dance re-lived…Stories retold… & narration by Actor Neesha Singh.
Manjari Chaturvedi is one of the leading exponent of classical dance in India. She has taken the traditional form of Kathak to a different level altogether and has created her own style. Her productions as a dancer, are projects that are meticulously researched and documented. She first studies the original traditions and then finds her own artistic expression of the subject and that expression is always unique, as never seen before. Manjari has extnesively worked on gender sensitive subjects through her medium of dance, exploring the many traditions woven into poetry, music and dance.
This concert is being undertaken by Women's Cancer Initiative - Tata Memorial Hospital (WCI-TMH), for supporting underprivileged women with Breast and Cervical cancers. The WCI-TMH Concert will provide a platform for corporate and individuals to partner in undertaking this difficult but rewarding activity.
The concert is supported by Bajaj Group and Biocon Foundation.